7 Local SEO facts

Veröffentlicht: 6. February 2021

We are looking for a plumber, a baker for the wedding cake, or a cheap car repair shop. Where? Google first, of course.

You probably know it yourself: If you’re looking for a specific business or service provider, the first place you go is Google.

You are not alone in this. Over 40% of global search queries via Google are related to the user’s location or a local search query.

So there is huge potential in local SEO. Here are a few interesting SEO facts that show how important local optimization is.

46% of all search queries via Google are related to local information

With over 3.5 billion search queries per day, it’s easy to calculate what a huge volume we’re talking about here. If you present yourself in the first places for potential customers from your region, you hardly have to worry about new customers.

Voice search queries with terms such as “nearby” have increased by over 900% in recent years

The increasing popularity of Amazon’s Alexa, Siri and other voice assistants has also boosted local SEO.

The younger generation in particular uses voice search very frequently. Accordingly, more local search queries are made.

Over 90% of users only look at the first page on Google

A fact that should make even the last person take care of their online presence.

On page 2 or 3 you are virtually no longer found and receive no (oranic) traffic. While certainly not every company is dependent on it, in view of the huge potential, it should at least consider website optimization.

88% of users who have searched locally visit a store in the area within 24 hours, or at least call there

This high proportion is not surprising. Anyone looking for a tradesman in the region, for example, will also have a problem that needs to be fixed.

Nevertheless, it once again underlines the effectiveness of local SEO. We’re not just talking about a huge search volume here. The traffic also converts extremely well!

Local search queries lead to a purchase in 28% of cases

Further proof that traffic via local search converts extremely well.

A conversion rate of 28% would be a dream in many other areas. By comparison, the average conversion rate in e-commerce is between 0.6 and 3.8%

4 out of 5 online users use search engines to find out more about stores, events & services

What does that tell us? Of course, your potential customers won’t blindly run into your store and buy everything they can get their hands on.

Being found via Google is good at first, but your appearance must also be right. A fast & appealing website, good customer reviews or detailed information are just a few of the clues to gaining the trust of users.

The ratings in particular play a major role:

Over 90% read customer reviews before deciding on a provider

That is understandable. After all, customer reviews are a very good indication of whether a provider also offers a good service or a good product.

Around 84% of users agree, and state that they take customer reviews into account when making their decision.

These were the most interesting local SEO facts. Of course, we didn’t pull the figures out of a hat. Sources for this article:

Hannes Kaltofen

Hannes Kaltofen

Gründer & Geschäftsführer

Seit über 7 Jahren in den SERPs unterwegs. Bereits während meindes BWL Studiums habe Ich mich in das Affiliate Marketing, Blogging und Agenturgeschäft gestürzt und helfe Unternehmen seitdem bei ihrer Sichtbarkeit.

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