Gain qualified B2B leads with SEO

Published: 22. February 2024

Search engine optimization works just as well in the B2B environment as it does in the B2C sector. We have said this before and can now provide further proof: our success with TEPROSA.

Lots of content and a new focus

The Magdeburg-based company TEPROSA specializes in high-precision sheet metal cutting using laser cutting technology and the production of sophisticated 3D-MID prototypes.

Not an attractive market for a SEO campaign? We cannot confirm this! After around a year of support, a lot has changed.

Not only the website itself was largely revamped, but also a lot of new content was created and the focus was placed on generating new inquiries. For B2B buyers looking for information and offers, there is hardly any way around Google.

Patience pays off

It took a few months for the machinery to get rolling. Incidentally, we have supported TEPROSA in the consulting model (and still do). This means that we support the company in an advisory capacity, while the measures are largely implemented in-house. The internal team was also trained and now has a good overview of what SEO is all about.

To cut a long story short: The website gradually appears for more and more keywords in the Google search, many of them in the first 3 results. This has led to a significant increase in monthly visitor numbers, as the following excerpt shows:

gsc data

Here, the last 6 months are compared with the 6 months before the start of care. +261% organic traffic! That is something to behold.

And it’s not just the flow of visitors that has grown: the average number of new customer inquiries per month has also doubled. Once again, we see that SEO also works in B2B, even in highly specialized niches. We are excited to see what the coming year will bring!

Hannes Kaltofen

Hannes Kaltofen

Founder & Managing Director

On the SERPs for over 7 years. During my business studies, I threw myself into affiliate marketing, blogging and agency business and have been helping companies with their visibility ever since.

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